
WELCOME to 4th Mesa Productions

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Based in Western Australia, 4th Mesa Productions is the home of
Kym “Bid” Bidstrup; Actor, Writer, Film Maker, Voice Artist & Teacher.

We deliver a range of services….

from Showreels to Short Films,

Copywriting to Corporate Videos,

Voice Overs to Voice Training,

and much more….

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Five Choices That Will Change Your Week

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Feeling trapped in your work-a-day routine?
Feel like there’s no way to change it?
Sometimes it’s the difference that makes the difference.

Here are Five Choices you might have forgotten you have!

1. Stand up for yourself. You choose the issue. Small. Large. Long standing grievance. Momentary passion. It doesn’t matter. Nothing violent or offensive. You choose the time and place. Just do it and allow yourself to feel good about standing for something and standing up for yourself. In a ...

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Web Video, Pieces of String & Common Sense

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So, you’ve decided you need video.
That’s one of the things 4th Mesa Productions does well.

So you pick up the phone….

It happens a lot.
Don’t get me wrong; I love what I do and I love helping clients achieve results.
But this particular phone call drives me nuts.
It goes something like this.

My business wants a video made. How much are they?

Well, that depends on a number of factors, I say.

And then I launch into ...

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What Your Mum (and Groucho) Never Told You About Advertising

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Groucho Marx once observed that television is called a medium because it’s neither rare, nor well done.

One of the many hats I wear at 4th Mesa Productions is that of Advertising / Marketing Consultant. Another is Advertising Copywriter.

And in those capacities, very often I have to agree with Groucho.

How can we get tv ~ and advertisements in all mediums for that matter ~ so wrong?

Because we insist on ...

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So, do I care about these people? If not, why are you telling me this?

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“Do I care about these people?”

As an Actor, that’s the way it always starts for me.

From the moment I pick up a script, watch a film, or see a stage play, it’s the question I have to answer.

If not, an insistent voice inside says, why are you telling me this?

If so, other questions quickly follow;

  • Do I care ...
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Acting is about getting out of your own way

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Welcome to my first blog entry ...

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